3 Ways to Slim Down this Fall


Fall’s arrival is just days away  – and those pumpkin spice lattes may have already been calling your name. The season has its fair share of treats, and there’s also the added temptation of wanting to eat more gooey baked goods for comfort just because it’s colder outside. However, with a regular routine in place, fall is also a great time to kick start your weight loss plan, or rethink those goals you let fall by the wayside once you went on summer vacation. Here are three tips for weight loss that’ll have you looking svelte and fabulous by the holidays:

1. Slimmer from within
Liposuction is one way to quickly and safely remove unwanted fat from the body. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, you may only need one treatment to reshape areas of the body that are difficult to tone, despite exercise and diet. This can help give you an overall more pleasing silhouette and the procedure can treat large areas of the body.

2. Lift those weights
No, weightlifting won’t make your limbs bulky; according to Women’s Health Magazine, those who pump iron can experience increased metabolism, will find their clothes look better and become stronger overall. Muscle is more dense than fat, and therefore it takes up less space, allowing you to slip more comfortably into that little black dress.

3. Make tiny changes
Love your morning coffee with some creamer? Learn to live without it. Counting calories is one way to monitor exactly what it is that you are eating each day, and if you start to keep an eye on what you eat, you may find that there are little daily indulgences that you can eliminate. Munch on a few carrots as a post-lunch snack as opposed to a cookie, cut the creamer and take the cheese off your sandwich or out of your salad. These adjustments will barely be noticeable, but can help you eat fewer calories each day.

Posted in: Health/Beauty, Uncategorized

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