Having Liposuction? Here Are Some Tips for an Easy Recovery
- Posted on: Aug 15 2019
Liposuction continues to become more and more popular. Some of this may be due to the American proclivity to eat less than the healthiest of foods. And some of this may be due to the relative ease of recovery from this body sculpting surgery.
Since tumescent liposuction is a popular procedure with Dr. Puente here at Skin & Cosmetic Solutions, here are some tips to make your recovery as easy as possible.
Wear your compression garments
Yes, we know compression garments aren’t exactly on the cover of Vogue or Cosmo, but they are the most important part of your liposuction recovery. Compression garments reduce swelling and bruising and they help the skin adapt to its new slimmer contour. Dr. Puente will advise you on how long to wear your compression garments and you need to follow his instructions.
Today’s liposuction is a far cry from the methods used when the procedure first debuted in the U.S. in the 1980s. Today’s smaller cannulas and tumescent solution make the tissue trauma and bruising far less than in the 80s. And while you may not feel overly tired after your procedure with Dr. Puente, your body will still have been stressed and needs rest. This means not only rest as in sleeping, but also means rest from things such as exercise. It may be tempting to “push” things to force your way through your recovery, but your body needs rest. Get the proper rest and avoid elevating your blood pressure and you will be back to your normal exercise routines and other activities as soon as possible.
No one likes putting ice compresses on our skin, but after liposuction compresses can really limit swelling and bruising. Patients get the best results when they regularly use ice compresses for the first 48 hours after their liposuction.
It could be your diet that created the need for liposuction in the first place. Regardless, now that the fat is gone, your goal should be to keep it that way by eating a healthier diet that matches calories ingested with those burned. More fruits and vegetables, less fast food and processed food. Specific to your recovery, you’ll need to avoid sodium, as this helps keep swelling to a minimum and it aids healing.
Follow your follow-ups
Dr. Puente will schedule follow-up appointments to keep an eye on your progress. Don’t blow these off. This is the time for Dr. Puente to make sure everything is progressing as it should.
Are you interested in getting rid of those stubborn pockets of fat with tumescent liposuction at Skin & Cosmetic Solutions? Call us at (919) 876-9576 to schedule your consultation.
Posted in: Liposuction